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Experience of using project-based learning in implementing continuing professional education programs in the specialty of "Organizing healthcare and public health"
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: Yulia Evgenievna Senotrusova
The use of project-based learning in the implementation of additional professional programs allows developing practical skills of students and motivating them to solve current problems in the field of the studied discipline.
The purpose of the study is to study the possibilities of using the project activity technology in the implementation of additional professional programs in the specialty "Organization of Healthcare and Public Health".
The work analyzed the experience of the Department of Management, Healthcare Economics and Medical Insurance of the Faculty of Additional Professional Education of the Institute of Continuous Education and Professional Development of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the field of using the project method in the implementation of professional retraining and advanced training programs in the specialty "Organization of Healthcare and Public Health".
Project-based learning involves the implementation of an individual educational project, which is the final certification work of the student. The topics of the projects are determined taking into account the performed labor function and (or) the profile of the work of the medical organization, which ensures the formation of an individual educational trajectory of the student, as well as the relationship with the professional standard.
The results of the final certification indicate the high quality of individual educational projects.
Thus, the use of project-based learning in additional professional education allows for the training of qualified specialists with practical skills to effectively solve professional problems.
Keywords: additional professional education, educational project, project activity, educational technology, final certification