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In 2024, the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics named after Academician L.O. celebrates its 60th anniversary. Badalyan Faculty of Pediatrics. L.O. Badalyan led the department for 30 years and determined the main directions of its scientific research and clinical work, which remain relevant today. For the first time, the department’s staff published for students of pediatric faculties of medical universities the “Guide to the Methods of Studying the Nervous System” (1968), and then the textbook “Children’s Neurology” (1975), which was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1986 and has gone through 6 reprints by 2021. On the initiative of L.O. Badalyan in 1965 for the first time at the 2nd MOLGMI named after. N.I. Pirogov began to give a course of lectures on clinical genetics to students of the medical and pediatric faculties, and “Lectures on Clinical Genetics” was published (1974). In addition, L.O. Badalyan made a great contribution to improving the training of students of pedagogical and psychological specialties - in 1982 the 1st edition of L.O.’s textbook was published. Badalyan “Neuropathy” for students of defectology faculties of pedagogical universities, which was also reprinted many times. The staff of the department, headed by L.O. Badalyan were among the first in the country to introduce new diagnostic methods in pediatric neurology (neuroimaging, electromyography and electroneuromyography, evoked potentials), and began to participate in international multicenter clinical trials of new drugs. At the same time, L.O. Badalyan, identifying the three main components of the activities of a departmental employee - teaching, scientific and medical activities - clearly gave priority to teaching, considering this the main thing, explaining that this is the only way to influence the new generation of doctors and the future of our country. Works by L.O. Badalyan was far ahead of his time, his books and textbooks are still being republished, being indispensable for students and young professionals, invaluable practical guides for doctors.

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Annotation. One of the tasks of the national security of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation is the training of qualified medical personnel. Despite the measures taken by the state, there is a problem of shortage of medical personnel, due to the fact that medical university students cannot withstand the academic load, do not master the amount of knowledge necessary for medical practice, and leave the profession. The purpose of the study is to systematize scientific approaches to the problem of adaptation of students of higher medical educational institutions to learning. Materials and methods of research. An analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of adaptation of medical university students to learning was carried out using an electronic database of scientific publications: articles, reviews and brief reports of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The electronic search was carried out using the RSCI rubricator with the keyword “student adaptation” for the period from 1999 to 2023. It is shown that the studies presented in the scientific literature on the problem of adaptation of medical university students to learning widely cover the relevance of this problem, but are fragmented in nature. Risk factors for the formation of maladjustment have not been sufficiently systematized. There are practically no evidence-based methods for verifying educational stress (both philological and psychological aspects). Methods for preventing maladjustment among medical students have not been sufficiently developed from a scientific point of view. Taking into account the fact that the training of qualified medical personnel is one of the tasks of the national security of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation, a targeted scientific study of the issues of adaptation of students, development of measures to prevent maladjustment to preserve and strengthen the personnel potential of Russian healthcare, without which it is impossible to maintain health, are proposed and well-being of Russian citizens.