ChatGPT Neural Network in Healthcare: From Student Education to Disease Monitoring

Roytberg GE, Sharkhun OO, Bulanova NA, Slastnikova ID
About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia


Received: 2024-06-26 Accepted: 2024-09-29 Published online: 2024-12-15

The latest update of ChatGPT artificial intelligence can be found in the headlines of every second news and article today. A neural network is capable of generating completely new content by organizing existing information in new ways. ChatGPT uses rich metadata from the Internet and is distinguished by its ability to recognize natural human language input and produce output that is easily understood by humans. ChatGPT is actively being implemented in all areas of healthcare. Currently, the neural network is actively used in monitoring diseases, compiling and maintaining medical records. For a practicing physician, ChatGPT is able to provide recommendations on evidence-based practices in real time, offer treatment options, and warn about possible drug interactions. ChatGPT interacts well with patients; it is able to conduct an initial online consultation, suggest a probable diagnosis, assess the emergency of the situation and recommend contacting a specialized doctor. ChatGPT has great potential for application in the field of electronic medical education, from creating informative texts to organizing personalized training. In the research process, ChatGPT will help speed up the process of preparing publications, give recommendations on organizing the structure of various sections, and increase the accuracy of the data presented. All this gives rise to loud discussions about whether neural networks and artificial intelligence will replace certain professions, including the profession of a doctor. Opinions vary, but one thing is clear: neural networks are our new reality, with which we need to learn to live and interact.