Scientific school of academician P. E. Lukomsky

Gordeev IG, Benevskaya MA, Ilyina EE
About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia


Received: 2024-04-07 Accepted: 2024-06-30 Published online: 2024-07-01
Picture 1.
Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor P.E. Lukomsky
Picture 2.
P.E. Lukomsky and department staff, 70s.
Picture 3.
Professor V.A. Lyusov, head of the department of hospital therapy from 1974 to 2011.
Picture 4.
V.A. Lyusov and staff of the Department of Hospital Therapy, 2006.
Picture 5.
I.G. Gordeev, professor, head of the department of hospital therapy No. 1 since 2012.
Picture 6.
Employees, graduate students and residents of the Department of Hospital Therapy named after. P.E. Lukomsky, 2022
Picture 7.
Employees of the Department of Hospital Therapy named after. P.E. Lukomsky at the 22nd European Congress of Physicians, 2024
Picture 8.
Students and staff of the Department of Hospital Therapy named after. P.E. Lukomsky at the Novodevichy cemetery at the grave of P.E. Lukomsky on Memorial Day, 2022