Physics for dentists: structure and content of the discipline, educational technologies, teaching features

Fedorova VN, Kvashnina YuA
About authors

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Received: 2023-12-17 Accepted: 2024-03-17 Published online: 2024-03-29

The review article examines the structure and content of the main discipline “Physics, Mathematics” taught to dental students in the first year of a medical university. The purpose of the discipline is to form basic theoretical and practical knowledge about the physical properties, processes and phenomena used in dentistry. The course program is designed to meet the needs of dental practice and is coordinated with professionals in the field. The classes are designed in such a way that students can study theoretical material in depth, consider dental examples and acquire practical skills when performing laboratory work. Special attention is paid to students’ independent work and the control of the assimilation of the material. Teaching physics for dentists is key to successfully mastering modern physics technologies and methods used in dentistry.

Keywords: physics for dentists, mechanics, levers, adhesion, viscosity, humidity, thermal properties, optics, lasers, x-rays.