Features of the adaptation process of foreign participants in preparatory faculties (departments) in russian universities

Kasarova VG1, Belous AA2
About authors

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University (MADI)”

2 Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov» Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


Received: 2023-09-26 Accepted: 2023-10-03 Published online: 2024-03-13

The article summarizes the experience of adaptation work with foreign students at faculties (departments), discusses options for solving adaptation problems, describes the practical implementation of the adaptation process within the framework of methodological activities, extracurricular activities and administrative and advisory support. Particular attention is paid to the influence of a multicultural educational environment and intercultural interaction on the coordination of the work of faculty teachers. The article provides examples of practical educational and extra-audit work with foreign students.

Keywords: adaptation process, foreign students, leading faculty, Russian university, intercultural interaction, extracurricular activities