Coping – strategies within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support as the basis for the implementation of the philosophy of independent life for exceptional learners at the university

Melnik YuV
About authors

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Received: 2023-06-26 Accepted: 2023-07-06 Published online: 2023-09-27

The author of the article examines some definitions of understanding coping, taking into account its role in the formation of the philosophy of exceptional learner’s independent life in a friendly learning environment. The central conditions for the formation of productive coping are identified, pedagogical techniques for constructing coping are highlighted as the basis for the formation of exceptional person’s independence in the educational process, the main indicators of the successful implementation of these techniques in the context of the creation of productive coping and the formation of exceptional learner’s independence at the philosophical and methodological level in inclusive conditions are shown in the article.

Keywords: inclusive education, coping, coping behavior, exceptional learner, person with disability / limited health abilities, philosophy of independent living