Department of forensic medicine – yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Buromsky IV, Kildushov EM, Sokolova ZYu
About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia


Received: 2024-04-08 Accepted: 2024-06-30 Published online: 2024-07-01
Figure 1.
The founder of the department and its first head was Professor P.A. Minakov.
Figure 2.
Professor P.A. Minakov with students of the Moscow Higher Zhukovsky Institute in the premises of the department museum.
Figure 3.
The department staff in the 1920s: first row in the center – N.V. Popov, next to him on the right – V.M. Smolyaninov.
Figure 4.
The staff of the department in the 80s: first row from left to right – V.V. Zaitsev, G.A. Pashinyan, Z.M. Konyukhova, P.P. Shirinsky, V.M. Smolyaninov, Yu.L. Melnikov, E.Z. Bronstein, O.B. Mazikova.
Figure 5.
The department staff in the 90s – in the center – Prof. V.M. Smolyaninov, on the far left in the second and third rows – Prof. V.N. Kryukov and Assoc. Prof. V.O. Plaksin.
Figure 6.
Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine named after P.A. Minakov E.M. Kildyushov.
Figure 7.
The current staff of the department.