Scientific school of Academician Yu.K. Skripkina
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
The history of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases (currently the Department of Dermatovenerology of the Faculty of Medicine named after Academician Yu.K. Skripkin) began in 1910 at the Moscow Higher Women's Courses. From 1968 to 2009, the department was headed by Academician Yu.K. Skripkin, from 2009 to 2016 - honorary head. Department of Dermatovenerology, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov. Scientific research conducted by members of the department and their graduate students was aimed at studying the relationship between allergic reactivity, immunological disorders and biochemical changes in the pathogenesis of acute and chronic dermatoses, lymphoproliferative skin diseases, improving treatment methods, and studying the role of genetic characteristics in the occurrence of skin diseases. The head of the department, academician RAS Yu.K. Skripkin laid a strong foundation for research, teaching and medical work at the department, which became the basis for recognizing the department as the leading scientific school of the Russian Federation NSh-3567.2006.7.
Keywords: scientific school, Skripkin Yu.K., Department of Dermatovenereology, Faculty of Medicine, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, domestic dermatovenerology