Scientific school of Vladimir Nikitich Yarygin.

Ermolaev AG, Chernykh GV, Zavgorodnyaya KL
About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia


Received: 2024-04-10 Accepted: 2024-06-30 Published online: 2024-07-01

The article talks about Vladimir Nikitich Yarygin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Rector of the Russian State Medical University 1984-2007, Head of the Department of Biology 1975-2013, World Health Organization expert on medical education. Aspects of his biography are highlighted that influenced the authors’ views and the formation of V.N. Yarygin’s scientific and personal interests. The prerequisites for the formation, the dynamics of the formation and development of the scientific school, its interests and views, the main vectors of scientific development, students and their works, joint research with colleagues from leading scientific organizations are described. The article also talks about the history of the Department of Biology and the work of V.N. Yarygina as head of this department. The activities of Vladimir Nikitich as rector are covered, which allowed not only to preserve and maintain the state of the university, but also allowed the university to receive a powerful impetus for development in different directions.