Modern additional professional education for average medical workers as a resource of quality medical care

Mikhaileva EA, Ilyina MYu
About authors

State budgetary professional educational institution «Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College»


Received: 2022-03-21 Accepted: 2022-03-23 Published online: 2022-07-22

Providing medical organizations of the healthcare system with qualified personnel, including the introduction of a system of continuing education of medical workers, is one of the tasks of implementing the regional project “Providing medical organizations of the healthcare system with qualified personnel in the Sverdlovsk Region”, implemented as part of the national project “Healthcare”. For the effective implementation of the continuous education system, new approaches to the implementation of additional professional education for paramedical workers are required. In accordance with professional standards, national, federal and regional priority projects in the field of healthcare, the programs of additional professional education are being updated. The organization of the educational process is based on the principle of openness of education to the external demands of practical healthcare. The material presents the results of a survey of specialists with secondary medical education in the Sverdlovsk region to determine the degree of involvement of specialists in the system of continuous education.

Keywords: continuing education, additional professional education, advanced training programs, specialists with secondary medical education