Аssessment of the level of motivation to learning and communicative competence of students at the clinical department of a medical university

Sharova VG, Zamyatkina OV, Zhilyaeva YuA, Gavriliuk EV
About authors

State budget educational establishment of higher professional education "Kursk State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Correspondence should be addressed: Sharova Valentina Grigoryevna

Received: 2020-04-05 Accepted: 2020-06-23 Published online: 2020-06-30

The study examined some aspects that affect the motivation of medical students to study and the formation of a part of professional competencies aimed at assessing the ability to work with patients in practice. The aim of the work was to assess the views of KSMU students about the importance of the educational process, motives that affect the success in obtaining education, professional prospects, career growth. The study was carried out by the method of questioning 68 4th year students and 85 6th year students of the medical and preventive medicine faculty. To study the motivational sphere of the personality, we used the methodology "Motivation for studying at a university". To study the formation of a part of professional competencies (communicative and educational), a questionnaire developed by us was used, aimed at assessing the ability to work with patients in practice. The results of the study showed that students adequately chose their profession and are satisfied with the process of studying at the university. However, senior students have higher rates. Moreover, they have different motivation for learning. The dominance of mastering the profession under the influence of the psychological aspect is becoming stronger among sixth-year students. When analyzing the questionnaire on the degree of professional competence, it was revealed that the outpatient service and district doctors remain in secondary roles, forced to concede laurels and money to high-tech hospitals and narrow-profile specialists, and university students are a product of time. Thus, the teacher of the clinical department has a great responsibility in the formation of professional competencies and strengthening the student's motivation for learning.

Keywords: students, competence, professional competence, motivation to study at a university, questionnaires, ability to work with patients, practical activity