Using virtual reality technologies to practice the algorithm of emergency medical care

Reznik EV1,2, Krasnopolskiy IV1, Potemkina MN1, Prirodova OF1
About authors

1 Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia

2 GBUZ “City Clinical Hospital n.a. V.M. Buyanov” of Healthcare Department of Moscow

Correspondence should be addressed: Krasnopolskiy I. А.

Received: 2020-03-30 Accepted: 2020-06-23 Published online: 2020-06-30

The use of computer-based virtual reality (VR) technologies in the educational process is continuously increasing for a variety of professional activities. Medical education is one of the examples, where such efforts are particularly visible. Today’s VR products provide the maximum immersion into a virtual environment and active interaction with their components. These VR products are becoming increasingly more popular, even in comparison with pseudo-3D simulators. VR facilitates the development of the abilities for precision work as much as mechanical skills. In emergency medical care, it is particularly important to practice the skills requiring specialized knowledge and abilities. In this work, we discuss VR-simulators built to practice the algorithm of emergency medical assistance in a maximally realistic environment.

Keywords: emergency medical assistance, virtual reality, medical education, medical aid simulator, VR simulator