Information support of continuing medical education within the framework of the federal project ‘providing healthcare organizations of the public health system with qualified personnel’

Prirodova OF, Kolesnichenko TV
About authors

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Prirodova OF

Received: 2019-11-04 Accepted: 2019-12-02 Published online: 2020-03-30

The article briefly discusses the fundamental principles of the concept of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education, which provide the foundation for achieving planned indicators of the Federal project 'Providing healthcare organisations of the public health system with qualified personnel'. The prerequisites to develop an information system for planning and recording educational activity in the framework of continuing education of healthcare professionals, namely the Portal of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia, are presented. The structure of the Portal and the functionality of its main components are considered from the users' perspective; personal accounts of specialists and other users involved in the implementation of the system are described. The opportunities provided by the Portal for regional executive healthcare authorities as well as for individual healthcare organizations to monitor and analyze the educational activity of healthcare professionals as a part of the continuing education system are described in detail.

Keywords: continuing education of healthcare professionals, the concept of developing continuing medical and pharmaceutical education, information system of educational planning and monitoring, the Portal of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia, additional professional development programs, educational activities, interactive educational modules, federal project 'Providing healthcare organisations of the public health system with qualified personnel'