Evaluation of the efficiency of training on the formation of project management skills in the sphere of health protection through the «factory of processes»

Frantseva VO, Danaev AB
About authors

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Stavropol State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


Received: 2022-03-21 Accepted: 2022-03-23 Published online: 2022-07-22

The material presents the results of assessing the effectiveness of the «process factories» for the formation of project management skills in the field of health protection in the development of lean manufacturing technology. In order to assess the efficiency ratio, the process of conducting an initial appointment in the office of a general practitioner and a pediatrician was timed before and 7 months after graduation. It was revealed that the use of the “process factory” in the development of lean production technology allows to increase the labor productivity of specialists at the workplace by an average of 6.2% compared to specialists who have mastered the tools of lean production without fixing them at the “process factory”.

Keywords: lean manufacturing, process factory, lean manufacturing in the field of health care, labor productivity