Systems of continuing medical education in the world: practices, problems, and paths of development

About authors

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Krasnopolskiy I. А.

Received: 2020-08-28 Accepted: 2020-09-14 Published online: 2020-09-30

The Continuing Medical Education (CME) is one of the forms of post-diploma medical specialists’ education, is gradually becoming a standard in Russia. The article focuses on CME practices in various countries, as much as ways of its development or alternatives. The article observes the established CME systems and emphases the complex Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as far as successful examples of CME absence. Some changes in traditional CME/CPD formats are described. The most actual problems of the nowadays CME are pointed out. The examples of Japan, Iran, and Germany are illustrating how the effectiveness issue has stated and solved. The main directions of CME development are as following:  competency-based approach, feedback wide usage, non-standard learning formats, unified system of accreditation.

Keywords: continuing Professional Development, post-diploma education effectiveness, competency-based approach, feedback in education, continuing medical education